Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin's Pseudo-Beehive-Faux-Bun Ponytail Thing & Copycats

As I awoke this morning, I mentally reviewed Sarah Palin's speech from the night before. Went into the bathroom, looked into the mirror and shuddered. No, I didn't shudder because I looked more crappier than normal. I had my standard looks-like-I-was-in-a-hurricane mess on top.

I thought:

How many women will copy Sarah Palin's pseudo-beehive-faux-bun ponytail thing she does to her hair? How the hell DOES she do that anyway? There must be a pound of bobby pins in there.

We see it happen all the time. Human behavior; we copycat. Someone will do something so unique and the next thing you know everyone is doing it. Hair is no exception.

REMEMBER Dorothy Hamill??? Anyone who was a little girl back in 1976 knows what I am talking about. Little girls ran to the beauty salon to get the famous WEDGE. Yes, women did, as well. There was Nadia and her pigtails. Farrah Faucet and her tricked out do which women invested insane amounts of money in hot rollers and hairspray to achieve the same look.

How many Moms will start copying the Palin hairdo? (See, are you shuddering at the thought?)

If she makes VP, then what will happen in the next 4 years? Perhaps the return of the bee hive? It could happen. Palin's hairdo (combined with the glasses) reminds me of a stern schoolmarm. As if she might come after naughty politicians with a ruler to rap on their knuckles. Oh that is another rant in draft form.

I've contemplated the possibilities even further: Women who will become "spunky Moms" or simply increase the usage of the word "spunky" in their vocabulary. Moms who will sign their kids up for hockey (even if the rink is 100 miles away) just because they now believe it will be more hip to be "hockey Mom" than be "soccer Mom". Hey, AOL put on their main page "HOCKEY MOM THROWS PUNCHES" to describe Palin's speech. Perhaps it will be hip to literally punch out other Moms now? Because that is what happens in hockey...

Don't forget, Sarah Palin said there was plenty of oil in Alaska. Republican Moms rejoice, for you will now be able to drive your gas guzzling SUVs on that 200 mile round trip you'll make to the rink so YOU can be a "hockey Mom" just like Palin. But I digress...

Don't think the whole copycat thing will happen? Then you, my friend, are not the parent/Mom of young children. There are some desperate Moms out there who will do anything to seek attention and be what they believe is hip. They are too competitive, always wanting to be better than the Mom next door. Yes, some of them never matured beyond High School.

It will be interesting to see what trends Sarah Palin brings to our culture if she and McCain win. If, key word. (Time to make a donation to the Democrat's campaign).

In the coming weeks and months, be on the lookout for Palin wannabe women. Grab your camera phone and send me the pics, then run for your lives! Stay strong and keep in touch with your stylist. If you find yourself pondering the possibility of the pseudo-beehive-faux-bun ponytail thing, seek help immediately.

I'd write more, but I need to go make some new anti-beehive flair for Facebook.