Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Plain Ol' Person

The following dialog happened as I was having some time with my 5 year old before bedtime.

Me: "So what do you want to be when you grow up?"

(I ask this every month to see how things change)

Son: "A baseball player and a fireman."

Me: "So you think you can do both? That might be hard in the summer, don't you think?"

Son: "I can do both of them."

Me: "Don't you want to do something different? Something other than baseball?"

Son: "No, I don't want to be a plain ol' person like Daddy."

(I was completely shocked and feeling appalled at what he just said)

Me: "What? What do you mean Daddy is a plain ol' person?!?!?!?!"

Son: "He just sits in his office all day. He's a plain ol' person."

Me: "Daddy has an important job, it has a name."

Son: "No, he's just a plain ol' person."

(at this point I am feeling really bad for my husband! But I thought for a moment....)

Me: "Do you mean Daddy is not a famous person, like a baseball player?"

Son: "Yeah, baseball players get famous. Daddy is just a plain ol' person, he isn't a famous baseball player, he just plays baseball with me. I don't want to be a plain ol' person."

Well, at least I can say he has set the bar high....? I think I am quite happy being a plain ol' person today.